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Summer 2024

“The hum of bees is the voice of the garden.” — Elizabeth Lawrence

Welcome to the summer issue of News to Grow By, where we delve into the vibrant world of gardening and sustainable practices. We cover a variety of topics, from enhancing soil health with a little magic, called mulch, to exploring the beauty of growing stunning California native plants with summer blooms, gorgeous tropical-style plants that thrive in our climate, as well as amazing succulents that can change their color in response to our intense California sun.

Apart from continuing our CA wildfire series, we also share some tips with you on how to make your own container soil and discover the art of vermiculture, which is useful when space is limited.

An inspiring report about our School Gardens project, which is small space gardening that children love, will make you smile!

The UC Master Gardener Program of Contra Costa County received a proclamation, recognizing the UC Richmond Low Water Demonstration Garden as an excellent model of how to sustain and activate an urban demonstration garden. We feel very honored.

Happy summer reading & gardening.

Hedwig Van Den Broeck and Robin Mitchell, editors

  • The Magic of Mulch
    The Magic of Mulch

    by Lori Palmquist

    What if I told you that mulch could cut your water use by at least a third, provide abundant soil biodiversity, making your landscape thrive like you could never imagine, AND contribute to the reversal of climate change? Could you even fathom a more magical scenario emerging from a bunch of chopped-up tree clippings on the ground?

    Well, it’s true, my friend. And so much more is riding on the coattails of the bold statement above.

  • Native Plants for Summer Bloom
    Native Plants for Summer Bloom

    by Robin Mitchell

    In most of California, because of its Mediterranean climate, the state receives rain in the late fall, winter, and spring, with generally no rain falling in the summer. This means that most California native plants have adapted to being dormant in the summer.

    However, some California native plants bloom in the summer and can be wonderful additions to any garden. And for many of them, occasional summer water can keep them looking their best, although some do not even need that.

  • Native Plant Resources
    Native Plant Resources

    by Robin Mitchell

    The California Native Plant Society (CNPS) has two recent resources that can help with identifying and understanding California native plants. The first is an updated and redesigned Calscape web platform. The second is a new “Wildflowers of California” book.

  • Tropical Style Plants for Summer Dry Climates
    Tropical Style Plants for Summer Dry Climates

    by Cynthia Engers

    Many of us enjoy the look of plantings we may have seen on vacation and might like to grow some similar plants in our own gardens. Of course, we don’t live in the tropics or Hawaii, so it goes without saying that we can’t really duplicate a tropical garden in Contra Costa County. It is certainly too cold in the winter! And we generally look to save water and select plants that are low-water users.

    So are we destined to enjoy ‘tropical-looking’ plants only on our travels? Not necessarily. There are many choices appropriate for our climate which, while not technically ‘tropical,’ might be seen as such.

  • Why some Stress might be Good for your Succulents
    Why some Stress might be Good for your Succulents

    by Hedwig Van Den Broeck

    In this article, we’d like to address the amazing color changes in outdoor growing succulents that produce more beautiful and vibrant colors when exposed to stressful conditions. We are not writing about their amazing flowers but rather about the color change in the leaves and stems of succulents.

    Stress might sound dramatic, but, no worries, you won’t harm your succulents. You are simply manipulating the succulent’s ability to survive harsher conditions. Like all plants, succulents require just the right amounts of water and sunlight to thrive

  • Container Soil Recipes for Small Spaces Gardening
    Container Soil Recipes for Small Spaces Gardening

    by David George

    All plants require four essential elements: sun, water, air, and fertile soil with space to grow. Container plants are no exception. Because they are not grown in native soil though, container plants have special soil needs. Garden centers sell excellent potting soil mixtures, but they are often expensive or lack certain nutrients. Were you aware that you can create your own container soil mix?

  • Composting in Small Spaces
    Composting in Small Spaces

    by Lorraine Frey

    Vermiculture, also known as worm composting or vermicomposting, is the practice of raising worms to convert organic waste into nutrient-rich compost for plants. It's a sustainable gardening technique that can reduce waste and improve soil health. Vermiculture is also a popular way to compost in small spaces. As composting popularity has increased, homeowners in small spaces or restricted situations have been looking for composting options that can work for them. These possibilities range from small, enclosed outdoor composting bins to worm composting that is practical indoors.

  • Master Gardeners and School Gardens
    Master Gardeners and School Gardens

    by David George and Pam Austin

    Did you know that the UC Master Gardener Program of Contra Costa County has an active support program for school gardens in the county? Does your public or private school have an existing vegetable or flower garden that needs sprucing up? Is a new garden currently being planned? Or do you, as parents or school staff, have occasional gardening questions? UC Master Gardeners of Contra Costa County are available to help!

  • Understanding Defensible Space Zone 0
    Understanding Defensible Space Zone 0

    by Hedwig Van Den Broeck

    As we continue our series on "Home Landscaping for Fire Safety", we will now delve deeper into the topic of developing fire-resistant landscaping in Fire Zone 0.

    Zone ZERO means Zero combustibles. Defensible Space Zone 0 refers to the immediate area (0–5 ft.) surrounding your home, which includes decks and other structures. This area needs to be carefully managed to reduce the likelihood of fire ignition and spread by removing all receptive fuel beds.

    Part 1 was published in our Spring issue of News to Grow By 

  • Award for UCMGCCC Richmond Low Water Demonstration Garden!
    Award for UCMGCCC Richmond Low Water Demonstration Garden!


    “The East Bay Municipal Utility District Board of Directors recognized the outstanding skill and dedication of the UC Master Gardeners of Contra Costa County and the City of Richmond Parls and Landscaping Division who have made the Richmond City Hall gardens a true demonstration of partnership, stewardship, and water conservation.” As stated on the proclamation

Spring 2024
  • The Great Tomato Plant Sale Starts with a Single Seed!
    The Great Tomato Plant Sale Starts with a Single Seed!

    by Liz Rottger

    Well, actually, with more than 35,000 seeds! That’s how many plants the UC Master Gardeners of Contra Costa are propagating for their Great Tomato Plant Sale that will be held in 3 county areas (Walnut Creek, Antioch, and Richmond) this year. We will propagate 70+ varieties of hybrid and heirloom tomatoes, 35+ varieties of peppers, and 60+ varieties of other types of summer veggies, including eggplants, zucchini, pumpkins, winter squash, beans, and cucumbers. We offer several varieties rarely found in Contra Costa, all selected because they do well in our county’s many micro-climates. Detailed descriptions can be found on our website.

  • How to Choose the Best Tomato for your Garden
    How to Choose the Best Tomato for your Garden

    produced by our UCMGCC Communications Team

    You are in for a real treat! Our Communications Team has produced a few short videos on choosing and successfully growing tomatoes in Contra Costa County.

    Watch the video on Heirloom vs. Hybrid Tomatoes 
    Watch the video on Determinate vs. Indeterminate Tomatoes

    In case growing tomatoes is not your thing, no problem; there are plenty of other tasks you can do in the garden during this beautiful spring time: Garden Tasks this Season.

    Interested in more of our recorded sessions? Click here to connect to our YouTube channel!

  • Growing Cucumbers and Squash in Containers for Small Spaces Gardening
    Growing Cucumbers and Squash in Containers for Small Spaces Gardening

    by David George

    One of the most popular veggie families besides tomatoes at our annual Great Tomato Plant Sale are the Cucurbits, which include cucumbers, squash, and pumpkins. Growing cucurbits, whether in-ground or in a container, is a breeze and very rewarding. 

  • Our Veggies need our Pollinators
    Our Veggies need our Pollinators

    by Laurinda Ochoa

    It’s about that time of year! We purchased healthy tomato plants and other vegetables at the UC Master Gardeners of Contra Costa County Great Tomato Plant Sale. We waited until the weather and the soil temperature were just right, and found the perfect planting location with the recommended hours of sunlight. We even amended the soil, when needed, and aren’t planting the tomatoes in the same soil they grew in last year.

    We’ve been carefully watering, and now we have sturdy plants with healthy new growth and fully formed flowers.

    Yay!!! The plants are beautiful! But where is the fruit?

  • Using Nature to Control Pests
    Using Nature to Control Pests

    by Robin Mitchell

    All creatures have a role to perform in the delicate dance of nature.

    Spring is such a wonderful time of the year, and it is a good time to look for beneficial insects as the plants and flowers begin to emerge and bloom. These beneficial insects can help control unwanted pest insects, so that other methods, such as chemicals, are not needed.

  • Home Landscaping for Fire Safety
    Home Landscaping for Fire Safety

    Part 1 of an ongoing series by Pam Schroeder

    Living with the threat of wildfire is, unfortunately, a fact of life for Californians. While we cannot control wildfire, we can help minimize its destruction by practicing fire safe strategies which reduce the vulnerability of your home and property to wildfire.

    We plan to continue covering this topic in future issues with more detailed information on this very important landscaping strategy. Why?... Because it is a course of action that allows you to proactively make a positive difference in the event of a wildfire.

    Part 1 is for our readers new to this subject or who would like a little refresher on creating a fire-resistant property. So, let's first dig into the Elements of Landscaping for Fire Safety.

  • A Simple Strategy for a Firewise Garden
    A Simple Strategy for a Firewise Garden

    Living in Wildfire Country by Marilyn Saarni

    Sometimes figuring out how to create—and manage!—a firewise garden is overwhelming. Here is a simple strategy for you to try. Use spring ephemerals.

    What are ephemerals? Plants that sprout leaves and flowers in the California coastal winter and spring, and then fade away by the time the hot and windy weather arrives and wildfire risk increases.

  • How to Become a UC Master Gardener of Contra Costa County Volunteer!
    How to Become a UC Master Gardener of Contra Costa County Volunteer!

    by Bonnie Dwyer

    Here are some experiences shared by our extraordinary group of UC Master Gardeners of Contra Costa County: Making NEW friends, Meeting INTERESTING people, Hearing about FASCINATING topics, Learning REWARDING lessons, Having DELIGHTFUL encounters, dealing with CHALLENGING questions, Giving FULFILLING service!

  • Invasive Oriental Fruit Fly Quarantine in Our Area
    Invasive Oriental Fruit Fly Quarantine in Our Area

    by Paige Shewmaker

    On behalf of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, I am providing you with some informational resources for residents regarding an invasive fruit fly quarantine in your area.

    The Oriental fruit fly has been found in parts of Contra Costa County, including the Brentwood area. This invasive pest infests and can ruin over 300 types of crops, ultimately making them unfit for human consumption. A quarantine has been established in the area to help eliminate the pest.

Winter 2024

  • Winter Blooms for Garden Pollinators
    Winter Blooms for Garden Pollinators

    by Laurinda Ochoa

    During our cold and wet winter season, many native birds and pollinators rely on plants to provide both food and shelter. Some easy-to-grow winter-blooming native plants that provide pollen, nectar, and shelter are Manzanita, Ceanothus, Toyon, and Silktassel. There are also California wildflowers that bloom in the late winter and early spring when they have become established in the fall and early winter months.

    One of the bright spots during winter might be watching our gardens provide the blooms and shelter needed by our native pollinators.

  • Gardening Under Oaks
    Gardening Under Oaks

    by David George

    Do you have one or more native oak trees in your yard or would like to plant one? Our local oaks are magnificent and important trees to the Contra Costa ecosystem. They deserve to be treated with respect and care. What are the best practices for gardening under and around native oaks? This article will guide you through the selection process of plants that are beautiful, waterwise, healthy, and complimentary to your oaks.

    Oaks are taxonomically called "Quercus," which is Latin for “Fine Tree.". They are called a “keystone” species because they support entire ecosystems. If oaks were to disappear from our region, birds, small mammals, insects, and other creatures that rely upon them would soon disappear as well.

  • Potatoes are a Perfect Winter Crop!
    Potatoes are a Perfect Winter Crop!

    by Robin Mitchell

    Potatoes are a fun and easy crop to grow at home, with relatively few pests and diseases. Of course, they are inexpensive to buy in the grocery store, but growing them at home allows you to try varieties that you might not get in the store, and you can eat them fresh from the ground. 

    In the relatively mild climate of Contra Costa County, and in particular on the San Francisco Bay side of the county, it is possible to grow potatoes almost all year. Know that if you grow potatoes, you will likely never harvest all the tiny potatoes, so you will potentially have potatoes in your garden "forever," as those will continue to grow and produce more potatoes!

  • Living in Wildfire Country: Winter Calm and Winter Tasks
    Living in Wildfire Country: Winter Calm and Winter Tasks

    By Marilyn Saarni

    When winter rains arrive our anxiety about wildfire risk is soothed. Finally, we can leave the leaves on the ground to protect and nurture the soil. Here are a few tasks that are easiest done during the fall or winter to reduce the demanding maintenance work a firewise garden can require as late spring and wildfire season approaches.

    And here are some more resources on Winter gardening tasks.

  • Citrus in the Winter
    Citrus in the Winter

    by Robyn Barker

    Once the railroads connected the frozen northern plains of the United States to the southern states in the mid-1800s, oranges became a special treat for snowbound prairie dwellers. Whether pierced by cloves to make scented pomanders or tucked into the toe of a Christmas stocking, the brightly colored fruit brought sunshine and sweetness to the darkest days of the year.

    Mandarin oranges are still a much-anticipated end-of-the-year treat. Citrus can take a long time to ripen, up to 8–10 months, so the reliable December bounty, whether from the grocery store or from the backyards of those of us lucky to have these trees, is a welcome joy. If you grow citrus, pick all your fruit once it has fully ripened. Leaving fruit on the tree won’t improve its quality and may impact the frost tolerance of the tree.

  • What is Helpful for a Gardener to Know About Light?
    What is Helpful for a Gardener to Know About Light?

    by Monika Witte

    What impact does the solar radiation that lands on the earth’s surface have on plants? First, we all know that plants produce their own food using photosynthesis. Also, the warming soil in spring, encouraging seeds to germinate and plants to grow, results from the increasing amount of radiation occurring in the spring. The cooling soil and reduced light in the fall signal plants to enter dormancy.

    What is light, from the perspective of a gardener?

    Solar radiation includes a spectrum ranging from very high energy gamma and x-rays down to low energy radio waves. The atmosphere reflects, absorbs, or scatters most of this incoming radiation. In particular, ozone absorbs most of the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. 

  • Small Indoor Winter Pleasures
    Small Indoor Winter Pleasures

    by Cynthia Engers

    We all enjoy herbs added to our foods, and if they’re not available in your winter garden, consider getting a head start on spring by growing them indoors on a windowsill. 

    You can grow them from cuttings, buy small plants, or start them from seed, which is the most budget-friendly option. You can use them for cooking once they reach a few inches in height. Popular choices for indoor herbs include chives, basil, lavender, parsley, mint, rosemary, oregano, tarragon, sage, and thyme. Coriander and mint are good options as well. Basil, parsley, and cilantro generally grow well from seed.

  • Small Spaces: Community Gardens
    Small Spaces: Community Gardens

    by David George

    The Small Spaces Gardening column aims to provide tips and techniques for successfully growing flowers, fruits, and vegetables in a limited amount of space.

    However, what if you would like to grow your own produce but have no space at all, such as a patio home, apartment, or condominium? We advise you to check out a nearby Contra Costa County community garden. community garden. 

Fall 2023
  • Plant Native Shrubs Now for Winter and Spring Bloom
    Plant Native Shrubs Now for Winter and Spring Bloom

    by Laurinda Ochoa

    Fall is the ideal time to plant California natives and other Mediterranean plants that grow with our winter rains and bloom in late winter and spring. Planting now gives the roots of these plants time to grow into the soil and become established before the high temperatures and dry climate of our summers.

    Shrubs are multi-branched plants that are smaller than trees and larger than bushes. Shrubs are long-lived perennial woody plants that can be either evergreen or deciduous (lose their leaves). Although not as long-lived as multi-century-old trees, most native shrubs can live for decades both in nature and in our gardens, compared to commercial, hybridized, and non-native shrubs, which generally need to be replaced more frequently than native shrubs.

  • Pruning to Control Growth
    Pruning to Control Growth

    by Anne Sutherland

    Pruning during dormancy invigorates trees. Pruning when a tree is leafed out in summer and fall will reduce the next season’s growth and is the best way to reduce its size. Removing leaves decreases the energy the tree receives from the sun, energy that the tree uses to manufacture fruit and for its own nourishment. Therefore, summer pruning is best done after fruit harvest or after flowering if it’s a landscape tree or shrub. Summer pruning refines the structure you build during dormancy.

  • Aesthetic Pruning: Taking pruning a step further
    Aesthetic Pruning: Taking pruning a step further

    by Hedwig Van Den Broeck

    There is something magical about strolling through nature, where fauna and flora thrive without human interference. Our California natives - whether groundcovers, shrubs, or trees - just appear to be having a great time doing what they do best: growing effortlessly.

    Even though I’ve always been more interested in natural gardening, it wasn’t until a beautiful young Madrone tree, Arbutus menziesii, in my garden was hit by a huge Oak limb that fell and ‘topped’ the Madrone that I became interested in aesthetic pruning. Not only was the damaged tree a hideous sight, but it also seemed unlikely that this beautiful tree would recuperate. I was, however, determined to find a solution.

  • A Season in Review
    A Season in Review

    by Janet Miller

    The end of the main growing season is approaching, and what a season it has been, both at the Walnut Creek demonstrating garden, ‘Our Garden’ ) and in our own gardens. In comparison with other winters in our part of the country, this winter was particularly long, wet, and, cold. Here in the Bay Area, we saw record-breaking amounts of rainfall, heavy winds, overcast skies, and unusually cold weather that lasted at least a month longer than usual. All of which spelled trouble for farmers and backyard growers alike. The cold spell meant the soil didn’t warm as quickly as it should have and overcast skies minimized photosynthesis, keeping seedlings small and, in some cases, permanently stunted.

  • Try These Strategies to Use Less and Store More Water
    Try These Strategies to Use Less and Store More Water

    by Lori Palmquist

    It’s September, and the leaves are turning color, detaching, and floating to the Earth to form a mantle that feeds and shelters the soil and the resident soil organisms.

    It’s Best to Ramp Back Watering August-December

    Nature is signaling to us that it’s time to ramp back on our irrigation schedules. Although we may be experiencing 100 degree days, the amount of water the plants require is diminishing day by day. As we edge further away from the summer solstice and creep toward the winter one, the days are shorter and shorter. So, how does this relate to ramping back on our schedules?

  • Winter Gardens for the Birds!
    Winter Gardens for the Birds!

    by Lorraine Frey

    Believe it or not, summer will soon be coming to an end. It’s therefore time to think about the fall garden and the birds we want to see and protect through the winter First, we need to re-think fall "Cleanup".

    In the garden, tolerance and aesthetic preferences vary from person to person. So, if you aren't quite ready to go 100% “au naturel” this fall, then start with just a few of the following ecosystem-boosting recommendations—you'll be surprised just how beautiful a "messy" lawn and garden can be.

  • Small Spaces Gardening: Growing Succulents in Containers
    Small Spaces Gardening: Growing Succulents in Containers

    by David George

    Succulents are popular patio container or indoor plants in Contra Costa County. Many are easy to grow in shady or dry conditions, which often challenge other container plants. Over 10,000 plant species in the world are considered succulents, and thrive in diverse climates such as humid coastal zones, hot deserts, and cold Alpine regions. They comprise about 3% of the world’s flowering plants and boast unusual leaf shapes and colors. And they are lovely when grouped together as accents on your patio or deck. Are you ready to grow your own succulent container garden? Let’s get started!

  • Be Kind to Your Tools to Be Kind to Your Plants
    Be Kind to Your Tools to Be Kind to Your Plants

    by Cynthia Engers

    It’s easy to take our trusted garden tools for granted, but sometimes they, too, need care and attention. And that care entails cleaning, sharpening, and disinfecting.

    Ideally, cleaning—removing dirt and wiping or scrubbing off plant residue—is a regular task during the planting and pruning season. Water and/or household cleaners, along with an abrasive helper, such as steel wool or a wire brush, should do the trick.

Summer 2023
  • The annual 2023 Great Tomato Plant Sale (GTPS) was very successful!
    The annual 2023 Great Tomato Plant Sale (GTPS) was very successful!

    Since Covid, this year's GTPS was our first 'in-person-only' event and extending it to three days worked out well. Many shoppers opted to avoid the long lines of opening day and made the decision to shop on Sunday or Monday. 

    Thank you, Contra Costa County residents.
    We are very grateful for your support!

  • California Natives: A Smart Choice
    California Natives: A Smart Choice

    by Kate Verhoef
    UC Master Gardener volunteers often provide advice on reducing water use in home gardens. You can do this by selecting drought-resistant California native plants. Drought tolerance is not the only positive feature of many California natives. Here are more reasons to choose California native plants, and a list of recommended plants for a more drought-tolerant, fire-resistant landscape.

  • Remember the Pollinators
    Remember the Pollinators

    by Cynthia Engers

    The third week of June is National Pollinator Week, an international celebration of the importance and vulnerability of pollinators. It was designated as such by the U.S. Senate in 2007 to raise awareness of the declining population of pollinators. Following the global focus on this topic, we are providing links to some of our in-depth coverage from past issues, as well as looking at the opportunity to support pollinators from a new angle: Edibles.

  • Small Spaces: Growing Berries in Containers
    Small Spaces: Growing Berries in Containers

    by David George

    Berries, such as the plump, juicy ‘olallie’ blackberries, sweet red raspberries, or delicious blueberries, are among the most well-liked and nutritious container-grown foods. The majority of berry cultivars ripen between late April and early July, although some also yield a second, lesser crop on young canes in the fall. Because of their high concentration of antioxidants, necessary vitamins, fiber, and trace minerals, berries have been dubbed a "superfood".


  • Climate Change: Improve your garden’s ability to handle too much rain!
    Climate Change: Improve your garden’s ability to handle too much rain!

    by Robin Mitchell

    This past winter, California had record precipitation in the form of both rain (in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as other places) and snow in the mountains. And the previous years we experienced drought.

    Many homeowners experienced flooding and erosion in their gardens, which were not designed for such large amounts of rain. Is it possible to make your garden more resilient when the weather delivers that much water?

    There are a few ways to improve your garden’s ability to handle too much rain.


  • Climate Change: Too little water in fire prone California
    Climate Change: Too little water in fire prone California

    by Hedwig Van Den Broeck

    For many years it was the severe drought, dwindling reservoirs, and devastating wildfires that captured the headlines; this winter it was the atmospheric rivers causing disaster. Historically, both drought and flooding have contributed to California's water issues. Unfortunately, due to climate change, these swings between wet and dry have grown more extreme.

    Here are some ideas to help you create and maintain a drought-tolerant garden that will protect you better again wildfires and at the same time beautify your landscape and property as well.


  • Family Harvest Farm: New East County Demonstration Garden Coming Soon!
    Family Harvest Farm: New East County Demonstration Garden Coming Soon!

    by David George

    A new East Contra Costa County Master Gardener demonstration garden is in the works! Funding approval was gained in February and work is now in progress for the garden on a portion of the Family Harvest Farm (FHF) grounds on Power Avenue in Pittsburg. The area is owned by PG&E as an easement for overhead power distribution lines, but 3.5 acres were leased from PG&E in 2016 by the John Muir Land Trust (JMLT) to develop an urban garden. The trust hired 3 staff members to manage the FHF development, to recruit and train apprentices, and to coordinate with the UC Master Gardener Program of Contra Costa County (UCMGCCC) for their new 2,000 square foot demonstration garden.


  • Summer Tasks in the Garden
    Summer Tasks in the Garden

    Let's not forget to take care of our gardens this summer in addition to all the fun activities we have planned, especially when temperatures are rising and our priceless landscape begins to get thirsty.

Spring 2023
  • The Annual Great Tomato Plant Sale
    The Annual Great Tomato Plant Sale

    This year marks the 13th anniversary of the Contra Costa Master Gardeners Great Tomato Plant Sale and we’re very pleased to announce that we’re back to an in-person sale at two locations! With such a vast assortment of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, squash and more, we’re sure you’ll have plenty of great choices for your summer gardens.

    Details at a glance:

    • Our Garden: April 1st, 2nd and 3rd from 10:00am to 3:00pm each day.
      Located at N. Wiget and Shadelands Dr. in Walnut Creek
    • Richmond Civic Center Library: April 29th from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
      Located at 325 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond 
    • All plants are $4. CASH OR CHECK ONLY, checks preferred.
      Don’t forget to bring boxes to carry your new plants home!

    Please visit our website for complete details, including plant descriptions, shopping lists and helpful articles. 

    We hope to see you there!

  • Native Plant Gardening in the Spring
    Native Plant Gardening in the Spring

    by Laurinda Ochoa

    For those of us who didn’t get around to casting those wildflower seeds or starting seedlings in pots, can we plant natives during the spring months?

    Yes! Although March and April are too late to start a spring-blooming native wildflower garden, there is still time to plant summer and fall blooming California native perennials. Here are three native plants that bring color and pollinators to our yards during the summer and fall – penstemons, asters, and salvias.

  • Mulch: It's Got You Covered
    Mulch: It's Got You Covered

    by Anne Sutherland

    It’s hard not to get excited about mulch. Mulch is one of the best things you can do for your plants and you can get it for free. Free sources include your own yard waste such as grass clippings, or wood chips from a reliable tree service. UC Master Gardeners prefer organic mulches because they are part of the carbon cycle and have benefits that rock, weed barriers, and plastic lack.

  • Keeping your Hill in Place: Erosion control on hillsides
    Keeping your Hill in Place: Erosion control on hillsides

    by Hedwig Van den Broeck

    Many of our California hillsides have become unstable due to previous atmospheric river events, and some have even started to slide. Erosion is harmful because it puts local bodies of water and storm water management systems in danger, as well as your property and that of your neighbors.

    To prevent soil erosion and the loss of priceless topsoil, it is crucial to control erosion on hillsides. Many of us hurried to get sandbags or other temporary solutions this winter. It is preferable however to implement longer-term fixes that can maintain the stability of your hillside.

  • Patio Techniques for Peas and Beans
    Patio Techniques for Peas and Beans

    by David George

    Many patio gardeners have successfully grown tomatoes in containers. But have you tried peas or green beans? Peas and beans can also be quite productive and fun to grow in limited spaces. And if you are blessed with a sunny location, the ripe pickings will be sweet and packed with more nutrition than supermarket produce.

    When should you plant seedlings? Right now (April-May) are the best months for summer pea and bean seedling planting. Ripe veggies can be harvested from your plants as early as June and can last through August, depending on the variety.

  • Synthetic Turf: a UC Master Gardeners Perspective
    Synthetic Turf: a UC Master Gardeners Perspective

    by Laurinda Ochoa

    At our Ask A Master Gardener, UC Master Gardeners regularly hear questions about synthetic turf lawns. With costs for water, fertilizers and garden maintenance rising, many people wonder if it is a good idea to take out their lawns and put in an artificial turf product. From a UC Master Gardeners perspective, the answer is no. Synthetic turf is not a good substitute for our lawns. 

  • Spring Tasks: Is your Garden ready for Spring?
    Spring Tasks: Is your Garden ready for Spring?

    Frost damage! Numerous atmospheric rivers! Weeds trying to take over! Our local weather this winter might have set us back a bit. The UC Master Gardener Program of Contra Costa County as well as the Statewide blog can help you catch up.

Winter 2023
  • Editorial Notes
    Editorial Notes

    “The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to the Earth.”
    — Chief Seattle

    What is certain however is that each and every effort in fighting climate change counts and the UC Master Gardeners of Contra Costa County are here to help you achieve positive results using more sustainable garden practices.

  • Now Is the Time to Plant Natives in Your Garden!
    Now Is the Time to Plant Natives in Your Garden!

    With the start of the rains in the Bay Area (thank goodness), this is a good time to incorporate native plants into your garden. 

    There are so many possibilities between California native annuals and perennials. Here are some ideas about how to get started!

  • The Benefits of Urban Trees and Why the Best Time to Plant One is Today
    The Benefits of Urban Trees and Why the Best Time to Plant One is Today

    Don’t you feel like something is missing when you stroll or drive through a city street without trees? And when you do take a tree-lined street, doesn’t your journey seem much shorter and more enjoyable? When trees are around, we are much more likely to go outside. And even if we are unable to go outside, just looking out onto a green, tree-lined street makes us feel good. It makes us happier and healthier.

  • Smart Controllers for the Win! Choose Which One is Best for You
    Smart Controllers for the Win! Choose Which One is Best for You

    Smart irrigation controllers are the intelligent choice for our gardens. They automatically adjust the irrigation schedule daily, based on changes in the weather. They’re like a thermostat for your landscape. And how great is it that our water providers are literally paying us to use them?

  • Growing Citrus in Pots
    Growing Citrus in Pots

    Are you shocked at the prices of oranges and lemons at the grocery store? Do you know that you can grow your own oranges and lemons in a patio container for just the cost of water, fertilizer, and time? Citrus trees are an attractive and rewarding addition to any patio garden. Most dwarf varieties grow well in containers and produce great quality fruit in winter months when other fruit sources are dormant. And the brightly colored orbs hang like holiday ornaments on a leafy green backdrop.

  • Are You Safe in your Garden?
    Are You Safe in your Garden?

    Safe practices in the garden have always been a key focus of the UC Master Gardener Program. Preventing serious injuries to our volunteers involves many hours of training, tool sharpening, and using equipment properly.
    No one in our program knows more about safety issues than experienced Master Gardener, Joie Spinelli.

  • Winter Tasks. Time to Bundle Up!
    Winter Tasks. Time to Bundle Up!

    There are plenty of winter tasks This Season in the Garden and our Helpdesk regularly writes very timely blog posts which you can also access via our website.

    Just in! from UCANR Statewide: How to Care for Flood and Water-Damaged Plants.

    While sheltering from severe weather, check out our YouTube Channel ! It is a treasure trove of 36 great presentations we’ve given over the past couple of years, just waiting for you to enjoy!

Fall 2022
Summer 2022
Spring 2022
Winter 2021-22


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