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The Latest Dirt - Jan 2024

Help Desk Tackles Forgotten Spring Bulbs

By Sara Hoyer

Client’s question:

13-01-24Daffodils (1)
I purchased some spring bulbs early last fall and then forgot to plant them! I purchased some daffodils and crocus. Is it too late to plant them - once we dry out a little bit, obviously? I purchased these from High Country Gardens, so they are on the drought-tolerant end of the spectrum. If it’s too late to plant, how should I store them? In the garage, freezer, fridge??

Sara Hoyer’s reply:

Thank you for contacting the UC Master Gardener Program Help Desk. Your questions are about storing crocus and daffodil bulbs and whether you can plant them in mid-January. You are certainly not the first person to forget to plant your bulbs at the proper time in the fall. I know that I have done the very same thing at least once.

Of the two varieties you have, the daffodils have the best chance of growing and blooming when planted now. I suggest that you plant them as soon as possible. Just expect them to bloom later than usual. Flower bulbs are survivors and will have a fighting chance to grow and bloom even when planted late. Be sure to plant before spring or next fall.