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The Latest Dirt - July 2023

Get Real in the Garden — CoCoMG South County Gatherings

By Kathy Gage

UC Master Gardeners Dianne Tinnes, Greg Letts, Julia Vindasius and Bonnie Dwyer gather in Bonnie and Jon Dwyer’s garden. Photo by Bob Burt.
UC Master Gardeners Dianne Tinnes, Greg Letts, Julia Vindasius and Bonnie Dwyer gather in Bonnie and Jon Dwyer’s garden. Photo by Bob Burt.
bSeveral years back, three South County UC Master Gardeners from Alamo, Danville and San Ramon — Bonnie Dwyer (class of 2013), Bob Archer (class of 2019), and Janette Drew (class of 2016) — came up with the idea of hosting early evening informal and unofficial get–togethers for South County CoCoMGs. We’d gather at members’ houses to view their gardens and enjoy each other’s company, sharing appetizers and drinks. In Bonnie’s words, “We are calling it Get Real in the Garden because anyone willing to host is meant to share their garden just as it is…the real garden, not the cleaned–up garden!”

Bonnie also uses the word ‘fellowship’ as a descriptor for these gatherings. It fits.

Besides fellowship, the intention is to encourage the flow of conversations to:

  • Share our garden successes.
  • Solve garden problems.
  • Share specific knowledge (citrus, blueberries, orchids, container gardening, etc.)
  • Brainstorm creative ideas.

To date, four gatherings have taken place.
#1. Bob Archer, September 3, 2021.
#2. Janette Drew, September 23, 2022.
#3. & 4. Bonnie and Jon Dwyer, May 20, 2022, and June 24, 2023. #5. Dianne Tinnes will host the next Get Real event on August 20, 2023.
The plan is that other South County MGs will offer to share their gardens 3–4 times a year.

UC Master Gardeners Monika Witte and Terri Takusagawa enjoy Bonnie and Jon Dwyer’s garden. Photo by Bob Burt.
UC Master Gardeners Monika Witte and Terri Takusagawa enjoy Bonnie and Jon Dwyer’s garden. Photo by Bob Burt.
Turnout on June 24 was excellent. (Spouses and partners are always welcome.) Bob Archer was there with his young granddaughter as his companion. We had abundant appetizers and desserts; people visited the drinks table often. While it got chilly as the sun went down—especially when the wind picked up—everyone was delighted to be outdoors, chatting amiably or touring the garden.

Bonnie’s garden is an oasis of bounty, bursting with vegetables, fruits and many flowering plants. It was a grand space for our delightful evening gathering!

[Ed. Note: Bonnie and Jon also host the annual Paella Party as a fundraiser for the Contra Costa Master Gardener Program. I highly recommend this event (I’ve been three times!), held in July or August. You can savor homemade paella assembled and cooked by Jon in a giant steel pan. Bonnie prepares salads and desserts. Fantastic! Reservations are required.]