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2025 Tomatoes - Cherry and Paste Descriptions


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Cherry Tomatoes

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Apricot Zebra Cherry / Orange / 2-3 ounces / 65 days / Open Pollinated / Indeterminate

New for 2025! Stunning, large, richly tangerine-colored cherries. They are very unique in appearance, as the lime-green shoulders and extra-fine green striping of the unripe fruit morph to brilliant yellow at maturity. Vigorous, disease-resistant plants are wildly productive. One of the best-tasting tomatoes we have tried, both flavorsome and sweet with a wonderful texture. Available in Walnut Creek and Antioch only. *Photo courtesy of Baker Creek HeirloomSeeds rareseeds.com

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Baby Boomer Cherry / 1 ounce / 55 days / Hybrid / Determinate.

An early, big harvest from a plant that can be grown in a container! Just like boomers, they are plentiful—as many as 300 fruits/plant! One-inch cherries have a great flavor on a strong, disease-resistant plant. Small space / Container friendly.

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Black Cherry Cherry / Deep Purple-brown / 1 to 2 ounces / 75 days / Open Pollinated / Indeterminate

Vigorous plants with large vines that yield very well and produce dusky purple-brown grape-like 1” tomatoes with a rich, complex flavor. (“My absolute favorite—the best dark cherry tomato.”) Available in Walnut Creek and Antioch only. *Photo courtesy of Johnny's Selected Seeds johnnyseeds.com

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Cherry Bomb Cherry / Red / 1/2 to 3/4 ounce / 70 days / Hybrid / Indeterminate.

How can you resist a tomato with a name like this? We couldn’t! Add to that, it’s recommended for your Bloody Mary and its strong meaty walls are perfect for filling with cream cheese. Yum! But, equally important, it’s also blight resistant. Vigorous plants produce lots of uniform cherries. Sweet cherry tomato flavor. Plant by the end of April and serve on the 4th of July. Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only.

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Gold Nugget Cherry / Deep Yellow / ½ to ¾ ounce / 56 days / Open Pollinated / Determinate.

Here’s another wonderful tomato developed by Dr. Jim Baggett at Oregon State University. Vigorous plants are loaded with ¾” round golden fruits from early season ‘til frost. Unusually rich, sweet flavor when mature. Small space / Container friendly.

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Indigo Kumquat Cherry / Orange multi / 1 ounce / 75 days / Hybrid / Indeterminate

Eye-catching orange cherries have a splash of indigo. This compact plant requires minimal pruning and yields well, even in unfavorable conditions.They have a very sweet flavor with a slight acidic kick. Simply stunning! The 1 ounce fruit is borne in clusters of 8. Available in Antioch only. *Photo courtesy of Johnny's Selected Seeds, johnnyseeds.com

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Jasper Cherry / Red / ¼ to ? ounce / 60 days / Hybrid / Indeterminate.

An AAS winner! Vigorous, healthy plants bear trusses of small red cherries with a rich, sweet flavor. Great for snacking in the garden. Disease and crack resistant. (“Wow! I planted it May 1 and since July, we have been eating them for over eight weeks—absolutely delicious and oh-so-prolific—and there are still blossoms on the vines! It is my favorite candy treat when working in the garden. Given a little structural help, this tomato could easily be 10 feet tall, and 6-8 feet across!”) Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only. *Photo courtesy of Johnny's Selected Seeds johnnyseeds.com


Lizzano Cherry / Red / To ½ ounce / 63 days / Hybrid / Semi-determinate.

An AAS winner! Ideal for baskets, containers and small gardens, this cherry has a non-stop harvest of small 1” fruits, perfect for snacks, and salads. 16-20 inch plants are blight-resistant which lets them produce oodles of cherries to the very end of the season. (“My favorite cherry! Thin-skinned and tender with a sweet, mild flavor and no bitterness. It was prolific in an 18” pot. Just delicious!”) Small space / Container friendly. *Photo courtesy of Territorial Seed Company

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Orange Paruche Cherry / Orange / To ½ ounce / 67 days / Hybrid / Indeterminate.

Early, early, early! And you’ll know exactly when it’s ripe, because it glows a brilliant, neon orange. One inch round fruits are thin-skinned and crack-and-disease-resistant with a superb flavor. Word has it that it tastes better than Sungold. Buy both and run your own backyard taste test! Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only

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Patio Choice Yellow Cherry / Yellow / To ½ ounce / 45days / Hybrid / Determinate

A yellow bush cherry tomato? YES, it's the ideal tomato for container gardening or small spaces! Featuring a list of outstanding traits - it's sweet, versatile (eat fresh or can it, roast it, dry it!), high yielding, excellent grown in heat and humidity, plus it's highly disease resistant. This All-America Selections award winner looks beautiful grown in a container mixed with flowers. Small Space/Container Friendly. Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only

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Sun Sugar Cherry / Orange / ½ ounce / 62 days / Hybrid / Indeterminate.

Very sweet, fruity-tasting orange cherry tomatoes in long clusters on vigorous plants. Very crack resistant. Taste is so delightful, they may not make it into the kitchen from the garden. But what is lovelier than a sun-warmed tomato popped directly in your mouth? (“Produced the most heavenly, sweet, little orange tomatoes I've ever tasted. Hands down, the sweetest, nicest, most productive cherry tomato out there!”)

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Sungold Cherry / Orange / 1 ounce / 65 days / Hybrid / Indeterminate.

A positively luscious bite-size cherry that isn’t fully mature until it turns bright apricot-orange with an intensified taste. Tiny globes along 15” fruit trusses on a vigorous vine. Flavor is fruity and tropical. Tendency to crack means you won’t find it in the markets, so you’ll just have to grow it yourself and eat it like a snack! Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only.  *Photo courtesy of Johnny's Selected Seeds johnnyseeds.com

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Super Sweet 100 Cherry / Red / To ½ ounce / 65 days / Hybrid / Indeterminate.

This popular, reliable variety has long fruiting stems that produce 100 or more super-sweet, 1 inch diameter cherry tomatoes. Plants bear fruits throughout the season. Requires staking. Extra-high in Vitamin C. Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only.  

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Sweet Aperitif Cherry / Red / To ½ ounce / 80 days / Open Pollinated / Indeterminate

Customer reviews of this British-bred tomato are simply off-the-charts positive! Vigorous plants offer non-stop production of thin-skinned, but crack-resistant, dime-sized fruits. But like a fine aperitif, its flavor is balanced, yet complex—delicious, refreshing and tangy. A diminutive delight! Available in Walnut Creek and Antioch only. *Photo courtesy of Territorial Seed Company

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Sweet Gold Cherry / Yellow-Gold / To ½ ounce / 60 days / Hybrid / Indeterminate.

Abundant clusters of bright yellow-gold cherry tomatoes on vigorous vines. Delicious flavor that is naturally sweeter than red cherries. Once you’ve tasted them, you’ll be spoiled forever. Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only. *Photo courtesy of SchoolPhotoProject.com

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Sweetie Cherry / Red / ½ to 1 ounce / 70 days / Open Pollinated / Indeterminate.

A super sweet red cherry tomato with high sugar content for eating right off the vine!  These bite-sized tomatoes are perfect for salads. Vigorous, highly productive vines will continue to produce through late autumn. Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only *Photo courtesy of Sustainable Seed Company

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Tommy Toe Cherry / Red / 1 ounce / 70 days / Open Pollinated / Indeterminate

This Australian taste test winner is bright red and prolific with excellent flavor and plenty of juice. Known for setting loads of fruit, and it practically grows itself, resisting most diseases. Great for salads or even juicing. Available in Walnut Creek only *Photo courtesy of Baker Creek HeirloomSeeds rareseeds.com

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Washington Cherry Cherry / Deep red / ¾ to 1 ounce / 60 days / Open Pollinated / Determinate.

Developed by Washington State U., here’s an early bird that is prolific and grows well in varying climates. Deep red, meaty, thick-walled and flavorful—all on a compact vine. Crack resistant and keeps well on and off the vine. Small space / Container friendly. Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only.  *Photo courtesy of Johnny's Selected Seeds johnnyseeds.com

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Yellow Pear Cherry / Yellow / 1 ounce / 78 days / Open Pollinated / Indeterminate

Miniature pear-shaped tomatoes with a clear yellow color. Wonderful in salads or as “garden candy” with a delightfully sweet flavor. Continuous harvest until frost. (“Zillions of tomatoes on this plant in my Pleasant Hill garden that must have reached 10+ feet in diameter and soared to the top of my pergola. Tasted great”)
Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only. *Photo courtesy of Territorial Seed Company

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Paste Tomatoes

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Big Mama Paste / Red / 8-10 ounces / 80 days / Hybrid / Indeterminate.

Produces heavy yields of flavor-packed 5 inch long paste tomatoes that are meaty, easy to peel and have very few seeds. That makes them perfect for sauces, soups and salsa. Mama mia!! Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only.

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Granadero Paste /Red / 4-5 ounces / 75 days / Hybrid / Indeterminate

A highly prolific plum, Granadero produces attractive, bright red, 4-5 oz. tomatoes with very good flavor. These thick-walled fruits are ideal for fresh tomato sauces, salsas, and salads. With a broad disease resistance package, Granadero stays healthy even under heavy disease pressure. It also has low susceptibility to blossom end rot. *Photo courtesy of Johnny's Selected Seeds johnnyseeds.com

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Italian Roma Bush Paste / Red / 5-6 ounces / 85 days / Open Pollinated / Determinate.

Best “small space” paste tomato. Produces enormous yields of large red tomatoes. Very meaty and perfect for canning and sauces. Small space / Container friendly. Available in Walnut Creek and Richmond only. *Photo courtesy of Sustainable Seed Company

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La Roma III Paste / Red / 5-8 ounces / 76 days / Hybrid / Determinate.

Every grower has called this the best paste tomato on the market. So we had to try it ourselves. High yields of 5-8 ounce plum tomatoes on healthy, disease resistant and vigorous vines. If you like pasta, as we do, you’ll want to try this variety. Small space / Container friendly.

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San Marzano Paste / Red / 4 ounces / 80 days / Open Pollinated / Indeterminate.

Famous Italian cooking tomato filled with thick, dry flesh and few seeds. Superb flavor in slightly rectangular fruits hanging in clusters. Solid flesh is perfect for canning/freezing for rich pasta sauce all winter. (“Excellent yields that continue way into the fall.”) 

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