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Past Webinar

Pruning Trees and Ornamentals

Photo of a hand holding pruners to prune a lemon tree

Tuesday, November 19, 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Go to webinar page for more info about four years of webinars.


Need Advice to Grow By? Ask Us!

UC Master Gardener advice and problem diagnosis services are available to help you with your gardening questions year-round, by phone or email. Our Help Desk volunteers can help you identify a mysterious pest, locate the best plants for your specific situation, and offer advice for sustainable gardening practices.

In your request—

  • Include your name, phone number and city (the best plant advice depends on local conditions!).
  • Describe the problem in detail. Tell us what's going on. Please include the name and age of the plant if you know it, when the problem began and where on the plant you found it, plus cultivation history such as watering, fertilizing, pruning, pesticides, construction, etc. 
  • Send photographs! Show us the whole plant, the plant in its location, close-ups of the affected part including any visible signs of pests, and both sides of damaged leaves. Photographs help!


Have You Seen Our Blog HOrT COCO Lately?

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Our Help Desk team presents HOrT COCO every other Tuesday. You can get timely gardening tips, find answers to frequently asked questions, and read about the truly unique requests for help we respond to. Check it out! And don't forget to subscribe.

Join our online webinars and see recordings on our YouTube channel. Sign up for our newsletter and to receive email notices of upcoming webinars. Or join us on Facebook  



UC Master Gardener Program of Contra Costa County
(925) 608-6683, ccmg@ucanr.edu  

Need an "Ask a Master Gardener" Table?

Ask a Master Gardener table - Shadelands, Walnut Creek, CA

Are you interested in an “Ask a Master Gardener” table at your Farmers Market or community event? Complete our Table Request Form and we will contact you!.


Looking for a Speaker?


Does your organization need a speaker for an upcoming event? Our speakers are available. Use our Speaker Request Form.


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We're on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram too!


Spanish Facebook@CoCoMGUC.esp


