Sustainable Gardening

Sustainability is based on a simple principle: Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.
Source: Also see:
Our educational outreach emphasizes sustainable gardening techniques that you can easily implement in your own yard. The resources below describe many of the concepts of sustainable gardening.
FREE UC ANR publication: Sustainable Landscaping in California: How to Conserve Resources and Beautify your Home Landscape
These elements of your garden are the very heart of sustainability. Here are some resources that can help you create a truly solid and sustainable foundation for your garden. See our Sustainability Fair Handouts page for other resources.
Soil Basics:
Sustainable Gardening - Building Healthy Soil
About Soil Testing
Soil Testing Laboratories for Home Gardeners
Soil Solarization for Healthy Soil
Composting 101
Composting with Worms
Using Compost in the Home Garden
About Mulch
How to Sheet Mulch
Go from Lawn to Garden with Sheet Mulching (
Sheet Mulching and Irrigation for Lawn Conversions
Water & Irrigation:
Water Testing Laboratories for Home Gardeners
Irrigation for Your Garden
Drip Irrigation - Layout Types
Drip Irrigation - Layout Examples
Using Grey Water and Recycled Water
Landscape Water Conservation Resources page (CCUH)