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Exciting New and Returning Peppers 2025

Hot Serrano Tampiqueno - SandiaSeed
Hot Serrano Tampiqueno - SandiaSeed
Here we are again, preparing for the Great Tomato Plant Sale (GTPS); the excitement and anticipation are mounting. We are well on our way as we started seeding peppers in January.  Out of our 39 varieties, you will find peppers which have become a staple in your garden as well as new varieties that we hope will capture your interest.

We appreciate your support and we do listen to your feedback. We like to know how you use your peppers, and we appreciate your suggestions for new and interesting varieties. It helps us when we know which peppers grow well for you and which peppers are challenging. So, let’s keep that conversation going.

We are very excited about the lineup for 2025. Let’s look at what we have in store for you. Based on your feedback for hotter peppers we are offering more heat in some of the new varieties. Aji Fantasy, Red Savina and Chocolate Habanero will be available in limited numbers so shop early!

New Hot Pepper Varieties

Aji Fantasy

This pepper was developed in Finland, not a country you associate with hot peppers, but this quirky one may pique your interest. It’s shaped like a bonnet that would fit a small gnome. Plants are tall and prolific producers of creamy yellow peppers with a distinctive crunch. This pepper is described as having a sweet, fruity flavor followed by the heat. It’s about double the heat of a jalapeño at 10,000 SKU; if you can stand the heat, it would make a killer salsa. Adventurous cooks use them in salads, desserts and seafood…some adventurous gardeners are known to eat them out of hand!

Red Savina

Many of our faithful customers asked for some SUPER HOT peppers, so now we’re turning up the heat. The Red Savina habanero heat level varies from 250,000-500,000 SHU. Three feet tall plants produce a bounty of 2” vibrant red peppers. Described as having a fruity, smoky flavor, one reviewer saying it has the best flavor of all the hot habanero peppers. The skin is thin, making it a good pepper to dry and grind into powder.

Chocolate Habanero

Also in the SUPER HOT category, we are offering the Chocolate Habanero. If you need more heat, this might be your pepper, coming in between 450,000-550,000 SHU. Three feet tall plants will produce a bounty of 3” long chocolate-colored peppers with a distinctive shine. Chocolate may be in the name but they are definitely not candy; these are flaming hot! The flavor is described as slightly earthy with sweet, rich, smoky undernotes…and smoking heat!  A great pepper for use in Mole sauce, salsa, marinades and drying and grinding into powder. 

New Sweet Pepper Varieties

Escamillo & Carmen

Escamillo and Carmen are the twins of the pepper world. These peppers are an Italian “horn of the bull” type and what lovely peppers they are! Escamillo glows yellow while its counterpart Carmen is brilliant red.

Both peppers have a broad shoulder 2 ½ to 3” wide and a length of 6-10” with a tapered body. With these dimensions they are a substantial sized pepper. Italian peppers are the consummate frying pepper, in addition they are one of our favorite peppers to serve raw on an antipasto platter. 

Returning Peppers with Improvements

The following peppers have been featured in previous sales but we have found some varieties with improvements in features like size, color, versatility and disease resistance.

Thai Prik Mun

We have a new Thai pepper, Thai Prik Mun - the heat from this pepper will be in the range of 100,000 SHU. Thai Prik Mun will heat up all your Asian inspired creations. In addition to the heat, you will get a punch of color from the 5-7” long, brilliant red pods. This pepper can be used for its ornamental value as well.  Grown in containers on the patio or in the garden, it will create interest and eye-popping color.

Improvement: Pepper size & versatility as an ornamental

Hatch NM 6-4

We are super excited to offer this Hatch pepper in 2025. The name is not exciting, but OH MY this is a winner. Hatch peppers come in various heat levels from mild to hot; we have chosen a mild pepper with 1,000 SHU. Hatch is superb for grilling or roasting as an appetizer finished with peppery olive oil and a sprinkle of sea salt. The 6” pods have a thick fleshy wall making them ideal for stuffing, with just the right amount of heat added for interest.

Improvement: Pepper size & a more manageable heat level

Jalapeño Jalafuego

This one should excite all the jalapeño lovers who keep asking for the hottest jalapeño we have. This is your pepper; it has an extra-fiery heat and is reported to be the hottest jalapeño available. Jalapeño Jalafuego is 4” long, plump and a beautiful, glossy green. Breeders find this pepper to be very crack resistant and it does not exhibit corking (white to brown streaky “stretch marks”). In addition to its superior heat, it produces a heavy crop over an extended period. Jalapeño Jalafuego is one of the most disease resistant peppers on the market and who doesn’t love that!

Improvement: Consistency of heat level, larger size & resistance to cracking and corking.

Santo Domingo Serrano

It’s become an obsession with us to find the perfect Serrano pepper, so we are hopeful that this Serrano will check all the boxes in our quest. This pepper is a standout for its plump shape and glossy, deep green pod. This 4-5” pepper’s larger size makes it easy to harvest. It has a reputation for fruiting over a long period of time providing a consistent supply of peppers over the growing season. It packs a bit of a punch at 23,000 SHU, hotter than a jalapeño but not the on-fire heat of a habanero. It’s my personal choice for making Hot Pepper Jelly.

Improvement: Pepper size & extended harvest season.

All Stars Returning to our Line-up

We are bringing a few of our “New in 2024” peppers back this year because they proved themselves in our gardens and we received glowing feedback from our shoppers. If you missed them last year, consider adding them to your shopping list in 2025. 


A beloved pepper in Poland for generations, we are pleased to have this pepper in our line-up yet again. It’s the color of a mandarin orange, how stunning is that? The flavor is reported to be outstanding, sweet, crisp and juicy with a thick wall. If that isn’t enticing enough, growers say it’s one of the easiest peppers they have ever grown.


How can you beat that for a fun name? This pepper has been described as “delectable”:  a pimento style pepper with SUPER sweet, juicy flesh. Many growers report Lipstick is truly the sweetest pepper they have ever grown. This little gem will power through the summer heat in our inland areas. This tall plant (36”) will yield an abundance of stocky, lipstick red peppers, “delectable” in fresh salads, grilled as an appetizer, or marinated or sautéed alongside spicy sausage. 

Bridge to Paris

This pepper has had a fascinating journey. Bridge to Paris was once a hybrid pepper known as La Paris, sadly discontinued by seed growers. It was so beloved by a husband-and-wife team they decided to try to unravel the ball of string and return this pepper to an open pollinated variety. With dedication and hard work, they succeeded! This Italian style pepper has the reputation of being one of the best overall peppers, easy to grow, prolific, and delicious. You will find this pepper to be staggeringly long, with few seeds and luscious thick walls. Bridge to Paris will shine in salads, grilled with a dash of fine olive oil and a sprinkle of flaky sea salt. It is a standout when marinated for use on an antipasto platter.  

In conclusion, we are fascinated by the hundreds of varieties of pepper seeds for sale which allow us to offer you a wide and varied selection. Whether you are looking for old favorites, or are intrigued by one of our new varieties, we have something for everyone. From the fun, to the interesting, to the downright weird, I hope you will find peppers a delight to have in the garden and interesting to work with in the kitchen.

Come by and see us, and if you don’t know exactly what you want, we can guide you. Let’s keep the conversation going, we want you to be as excited as we are with the new possibilities as well as the tried-and-true varieties. We want to help you grow a successful, abundant crop of peppers to share with friends and family. 

Let’s get growing!